Gantt Chart

![]() The fields that are displayed for each task are set using the Show/Hide Columns button in the Schedules Gantt Chart Toolbar. Some fields that appear here are also displayed in the Task Details tabs and in the Task Details dialog. Edits to a field in any of these views are also reflected in the other views. See Schedules Task Fields for information about individual fields.
Start and Finish dates that changed as a result of editing or calculation are highlighted in bold text:
![]() The bold formatting is automatically removed after the schedule is saved.
![]() This control allows you to directly scroll to a location in the task list. The number of lines scrolled is determined by the entry in the Page size field in the Schedules Gantt Chart Toolbar. Use the |< and >| buttons to scroll the first and last task pages, respectively, and the << and >> buttons to scroll one page back or forward. You can also click in the field and type the number of the page you wish to scroll to. The buttons will be disabled if there are not enough tasks in the current view to require scrolling.
![]() You can left or right click on the time scale to zoom in or out. See Schedules Gantt Chart Toolbar for information about using the Zoom buttons to change the time scale.
![]() Each bar represents the duration of a task. The left edge of the bar represents the Start date and the right edge represents the Finish. The position and length of each bar is determined by entering data in the Gantt chart table, in the Task Details tabs, or the Task Details dialog, or by dragging and dropping in the Gantt chart itself. (See Interacting with the Gantt Chart for more information.)
The color format of the bar varies depending on the task's status. (See Reading the Gantt Chart for more information.)
![]() Each connector represents a dependency relationship to another task. (See Schedules Task Details Dependencies Tab for information about dependencies.) The type and format of the connector is determined by entering data in the Gantt chart table, in the Task Details tabs, or in the Task Details dialog, or by dragging and dropping in the Gantt chart itself. (See Interacting with the Gantt Chart for more information.)
The format of the connector varies depending on the type of dependency and the amount of lag. (See Schedules Task Details Dependencies Tab and Reading the Gantt Chart for more information.)