
Reading the Gantt Chart

The visual format of an element in the PMWeb Gantt chart signifies the type and/or status of the element. It is important to understand what each format means in order to correctly interpret the schedule.

Task Bars

- A task not on the critical path which is 0% complete
- A task not on the critical path which is 30% complete
- A task which is 100% complete
- A task on the critical path which is 0% complete
- A task on the critical path which is 80% complete
- A locked task. Notice the heavy left and right edge borders.
- A disabled task. External tasks - those from other schedules - are always disabled.


A milestone has a date but no duration. Milestones can be created two ways:
- A regular milestone
- A regular ending milestone
- A task milestone
- A task ending milestone

Dependency Connectors

This is a Start-To-Start(SS) dependency:
The arrowhead indicates that it is a successor for Task 1 and a predecessor for Task 2
This is a Start-To-Finish(SF) dependency:
The arrowhead indicates that it is a successor for Task 1 and a predecessor for Task 2
This is a Finish-To-Start(FS) dependency:
The arrowhead indicates that it is a successor for Task 1 and a predecessor for Task 2
This is a Finish-To-Finish(FF) dependency:
The arrowhead indicates that it is a successor for Task 1 and a predecessor for Task 2
Red dependency connectors indicate that the schedule needs to be recalculated:
The dashed line segment of a connector indicates a lag, in this example a lag of +2 days:
In this example the lag is -2 days:


This example shows a task with no constraints:
The following screen shots show various constraints and their constraint dates. Notice how each constraint is displayed in the Gantt chart: