
Resources Tab

Use this tab to track resources - labor and equipment - used on the work order. Lines can be added to this tab by:
Resources Tab

Work Orders Resources Tab Toolbar

1. Work Orders Resources Tab Toolbar
Update From Dispatch Boards Button - Click this button to update Dispatch Board appointments linked to this work order. New Dispatch Board appointments will be added as lines in this tab and, for existing appointments, Dispatched Start and Dispatched Finish fields will be updated. Note: It is not necessary to click this button if "Update Work Order resources from Dispatch Boards" is enabled in Portfolio/Setup/Settings/General Settings Locations Tab.

Work Orders Resources Tab Table

2. Work Orders Resources Tab Table
  • Linked Resource Field - Read only. If the resource type is "Equipment", the linked resource is displayed here.
  • Dispatched Start Field - Time Field. Can be updated directly from Dispatch Board appointments.
  • Dispatched Finish Field - Time Field. Can be updated directly from Dispatch Board appointments.
  • Actual Start - Time Field
  • Actual Finish - Time Field
  • Rate Field - A currency field. This value defaults from the Classification Matrix based on the selected Classification and Pay Type for the resource, but may be edited.
  • Dispatched Hours Field - This field defaults to Dispatched Finish minus Dispatched Start, but may be edited.
  • Actual Hours Field - This field defaults to Actual Finish minus Actual Start, but may be edited.
  • Total Cost - This field defaults to Rate times Actual Hours, but may be edited. If this field is edited, Rate is recalculated as Total Cost divided by Actual Hours.