Select Assembly Dropdown - Select an assembly to load it into the dialog
After entering defaults and variables, click this button to quantify and cost items in the assembly. Click the Enter Pass Notes button to open a memo dialog in which you can enter notes about this pass of the assembly. These notes can be viewed after the assembly has been saved to the estimate by clicking the pass hyperlink in the Assembly Field.
Quantity Field - This displays the UOM of the assembly as a read only field and allows you to type in a quantity multiplier for the entire assembly. The default (and most commonly used value) is "1".
Default Fields - Values in these fields will fill as defaults when the items in the dialog are saved to the record.
This table will contain the list of run time variables that are required by the assembly. See Assemblies for information about defining variables. Type a number in each Quantity field. Click the helper button next to the Notes field to open a memo dialog in which you can enter notes and assumptions about the parameter quantity for this pass of the assembly. These notes can be viewed after the assembly has been saved to the estimate by clicking the pass hyperlink in the Assembly Field.