Use this page to create Generating profiles. Profiles generate one PMWeb record from another. After a profile has been created, you link it to Workflow actions in
Business Processes.
Map ID Field - An alphanumeric ID for the record.
From Field - Select the PMWeb record type you will be generating from here
To Field - Select the PMWeb record type you will be generating to here
System Map - Read only. If checked, this map was created by PMWeb and can be edited, but not deleted.
Accessed From Field - Read only
System Notes Field - Use this field to describe the map, if you wish
Use this table to map one or more fields. The record type selected in the From Field in the header appears in the left column, and the record type selected in the To Field appears on the right. In some fields you can select "[Custom Value]" and enter one in the field next to it.
Submit New Record in Workflow Checkbox - If checked, when a new record is generated, and if Visual Workflow is enabled for the record type, the new record will immediately be submitted.
Send Details - For future use