

You can create an unlimited number of forecasts and, if you wish, post forecast values to Cost Ledgers to use in cost reporting. Earned Value can be calculated from forecast records and you can link lines to schedule tasks to drive % complete.






  • Forecast from Earned Value Button - If you click this button PMWeb automatically sets the Forecast to Complete field on each line equal to (Actual Cost divided by % Complete) minus Actual Cost.
  • Snapshot Button - By default, each time you load a forecast the most current data from the cost ledger is used to update some of the currency fields in the Details Table. Use this button to lock those fields with the currently displayed values. You can then click the button again to unlock those fields and return the record to the default behavior.
The table below shows the fields that are locked/unlocked by this button.
Calculated As
Total Budget
The sum of Original Project Budget and Project Budget Changes in the Cost Ledger.
Anticipated Budget - PV
Equals Total Budget
Anticipated Cost
The sum of Original Commitments and Commitment Changes and Non-Commitment Costs in the Cost Ledger.
Anticipated Variance
Anticipated Budget - PV minus Anticipated Cost.
Forecast Variance
Total Budget minus Forecast At Completion.
This is a toggle button. The two states are:
  •   (the default) - The Details Table is currently unlocked. Loading the tab will load the latest cost data into the table. Click this button to lock the table.
  •   - The Details Table is currently locked. The cost data displayed will still show the next time the tab is loaded. Click this button to unlock the table.




  • Project Field - Required
  • Record # Field - Required. An alphanumeric ID for the record.
  • To This Period Field - Period Field. If you select a period, PMWeb only loads transactions assigned to the selected period plus all chronologically earlier periods in the Details Table. Transactions after the selected period and transactions not assigned to any period will not be included. If you leave To This Period empty, all transactions are eligible to be included. (See the Snapshot Button topic in Forecasts Header Toolbar for information about loading transactions.)
  • Date Field - Read only. The date the record was created.
  • Include Pending Budget Records Checkbox - If this field is unchecked - which is the default - only records with a Status of "Approved" in the Cost Ledger are used to calculate the automatically loaded fields. If any are checked, records of that type with a Status of "Pending" will also be included. (See the Snapshot Button topic in Forecasts Header Toolbar for information about loading transactions.)
  • Include Pending Cost Records Checkbox - If this field is unchecked - which is the default - only records with a Status of "Approved" in the Cost Ledger are used to calculate the automatically loaded fields. If any are checked, records of that type with a Status of "Pending" will also be included. (See the Snapshot Button topic in Forecasts Header Toolbar for information about loading transactions.)
  • Include Pending Actual Cost Records Checkbox - If this field is unchecked - which is the default - only records with a Status of "Approved" in the Cost Ledger are used to calculate the automatically loaded fields. If any are checked, records of that type with a Status of "Pending" will also be included. (See the Snapshot Button topic in Forecasts Header Toolbar for information about loading transactions.)
  • Earned Value Chart Link - Click the hyperlink to open a graph showing:
PV - Planned Value
EV - Earned Value
AC - Actual Cost
...for a calendar year. See Details Table for details about how these values are calculated.


  • Update Tasks Button - Use this button to copy the latest % Complete, Start, and Finish from linked tasks in the project schedule into lines in the forecast.
  • Production Button - PMWeb Production records track the completion of work units. You can use that information to update your Forecast. If you click the Production button, the Production dialog opens. If you select a Production record and then click Save & Exit, the dialog closes and the data from the Production record is transferred into the Forecast lines.
  • Cost Codes in Production are used to match lines in the Forecast
  • Current Quantity from Production updates the Quantity Completed field in the Forecast
  • % Complete is recalculated for you as (Quantity Completed/Quantity To Complete) times 100


  • Level 1 Field - Read only. The ID and description of the first level of the cost code. This field is mainly used for grouping within the table.
  • Total Budget Field - Read only. See the Snapshot Button topic for information about this field.
  • Anticipated Budget - PV Field - Read only. See the Snapshot Button topic for information about this field.
  • Anticipated Cost Field - Read only. See the Snapshot Button topic for information about this field.
  • Anticipated Variance Field - Read only. See the Snapshot Button topic for information about this field.
  • Actual Cost Field - Read only. See the Snapshot Button topic for information about this field.
  • Balance to Complete Field - Read only. See the Snapshot Button topic for information about this field.
  • Quantity to Complete Field - Default is "1"
  • Unit Cost Field - Default is "0"
  • Forecast to Complete Field - Defaults to "0" but may be edited. Forecast To Complete is defined as what you have remaining to spend to complete the project. This does not include what you have already committed to spend. If you edit this field Forecast At Completion is recalculated as Forecast To Complete plus Anticipated Cost.
  • Forecast at Completion Field - Defaults to Anticipated Cost but may be edited. Forecast At Completion is what you will have spent when the project is complete, including what you have already committed. If you edit this field Forecast To Complete is recalculated as Forecast At Completion minus Anticipated Cost.
  • Forecast Variance Field - Read only. Total Budget minus Forecast At Completion.
  • Quantity Completed Field - Defaults to "1" but may be edited. If you use the Production button, this field is automatically updated to equal the Current Quantity field from the Production record line.
  • % Complete Field - Defaults to "0" but may be edited. If you use the Update Tasks button, this field is automatically updated to equal the % Complete field of the linked task. If you use the Production button, this field is automatically calculated to equal (Quantity Completed divided by Quantity To Complete) times 100.
  • Earned Value (EV) Field - Total Budget multiplied by % Complete.
  • Cost Variance (CV) Field - Earned Value minus Actual Cost.
  • Cost Performance Index (CPI) Field - Earned Value divided by Actual Cost.
  • Scheduled Variance (SV) -  Earned Value minus Anticipated Budget - PV.
  • Scheduled Performance Index (SPI) Field - Earned Value divided by Anticipated Budget - PV.