
Manage Bids Tab

This tab is where you monitor and control the revision history of your bidding process. An unlimited number of bid revisions can be created per procurement record and revisions can be issued bidder by bidder or in groups.
You can also use this tab to mark one revision per online bidder as their "Best Bid". The best bid is the one whose data is displayed in the Procurement Bidder Matrix Tab Table and the Procurement Bid Items Tab. This feature allows you to collect data on multiple online bid revisions and then decide which version best meets your needs.
Check the first column box for each bidder to which you wish to reissue a bid.
If Copy Bid Amounts is selected, Bid Quantity, Unit Price, and Total Amount in the current best bid of the online bidding record will be copied to the revision you create. If this option is not selected, Bid Quantity will default to equal the Est. Quantity and both Unit Price and Total Amount will default to 0. If Send Notification is checked the online bidder will receive an email alerting them to the fact that a bid has been reissued. If Lock Prior Bids is checked all other revisions of each online bidding record will be locked (see Online Bidding Header Toolbar). When all options have been configured click the Reissue button. The revisions are immediately created, the Reissue Bids dialog closes and, if Send Notifications was checked, the Notifications Dialog opens. Note that the latest revision is automatically selected as best bid by default.