  • 3D Viewer
  • Adjustments
  • Advanced Multi-currency
  • Cash Flow
  • Date Field
  • Funding
  • Req. Codes
  • Revised Units/Values


Requirements are any work or event that needs to be staffed. PMWeb Requirements records allow you to:
  • Define the work. Requirements can be generic – “Attend office party” – or very specific. In fact, a requirement can be linked to a single line in a single PMWeb record if you wish. Each requirement can contain rich metadata, including region, skills needed, estimated hours, and much more.
  • Assign labor and equipment resources. Each requirement can be assigned to any number of resources and each assignment includes hours per day, percent effort, pay type, and more.
Requirements and assignments can be posted to the PMWeb Cost Ledger if you wish.










  • Based On Field - Required. Select:
  • System - Work related to your enterprise but not connected to specific projects or locations
  • Projects - Work connected to projects
  • Locations - Work connected to locations
 As you make selections in this field the labels and fields available in the header of the record change.
  • Program Field - Required. Select "(Portfolio)" or a specific program.
  • Project Field - This list is filtered by the selection in the Program* field.
  • Link Type Field - A list of PMWeb record types. This list is filtered by the selection in the Based On* field.
  • Linked To Field - A list of records. This list is filtered by the selection in the Project and Link Type fields.
  • Linked Line Field - A list of lines in the record selected in the Linked To field.
  • Requirement ID Field - Required. An alphanumeric ID for the record.
  • Scope Field - A multiline text field.
  • Rate Basis Fields - Select either "Hourly Rate" or "Fixed Amount" from the list and then enter a currency value.
  • Cost Code Field. If a cost code is selected here a line is posted to the PMWeb Cost Ledgers to the "Estimated Costs" worksheet column. The currency values are calculated as:
If "Hourly Rate" is selected in the rate basis fields - the currency value in the field above times Hours Total (see below)
If Fixed Amount is selected in the rate basis fields - the currency value in the field above
  • Start Fields - Required. The date and time here cannot be later than Finish but can be the same.
  • Finish Fields - Required. Cannot be earlier than Start.
  • # of Resources Fields - The Required column is editable. The default is "1". The Assigned and Variance columns are read only.
  • Work Days Fields - The Required column is editable. The default is "1". The Assigned and Variance columns are read only.
  • Hours Per Day Field - The Required column is editable and must be between .01 and 24. The default is "8". The Assigned and Variance columns are read only.
  • Hours Total Fields - All fields in this line are read only.
  • Warn of Overbooking Checkbox - Check this box to note that an overbooking warning should be given. For future use.
  • Closed Checkbox - Check this box to note that the requirement is closed.


Use this tab to assign one or more resources to the requirement.
Assignments Table:
  • Resource Image Field - Read only. This field displays the selected resource's image when the line is not in edit mode.
  • Hours Per Day Field - The default is the Required Hours Per Day from the header of the Requirement but it may be edited here.
  • All Day Checkbox - If checked the Hours Per Day field is set to equal the Default Hours Per Day of the resource and is locked.
  • Assigned Hours Field - The default is the Hours Per Day times the number of days of the assignment (Finish minus Start plus 1) times % Effort but it may be edited. If this field is edited the % Effort field is recalculated.
  • % Effort Field - The default is 100% but it may be edited here. If this field is edited, the Assigned Hours field is recalculated.
  • Classification Field - The default is the Classification selected in the header of the Requirement but it may be edited here.
  • Pay Type Field - The default is the Pay Type selected in the header of the Requirement but it may be edited here.
  • Rate Basis Field - The default is the Rate Basis selected in the header of the Requirement but it may be edited here. If this field is edited the Total field is recalculated.
  • Use Rate From Field - This is a system list. The choices are "Resource" (the default) and "Requirement". If Rate Basis is "Fixed Amount"  this field is locked at "Requirement".
  • Rate Field - If Rate Basis is "Fixed Amount" this defaults to the Fixed Amount in the header but it may be edited. If Rate Basis is "Hourly Rate" and Use Rate From is "Requirement" this defaults to the Hourly Rate in the header but it may be edited. If Rate Basis is "Hourly Rate" and Use Rate From is "Resource" this field defaults to the resource's rate for the selected Classification and Pay Type but it may be edited. If there is no selected Classification or Pay Type this defaults to 0.
  • Total Field - Read only. If Rate Type is "Fixed Amount" this equals the Rate. If Rate Type is "Hourly Rate"  this equals Assigned Hours times Rate.
  • Cost Code Field. This defaults to the Cost Code selected in the header of the Requirement but it may be edited here. If there is no Cost Code in the header the default is the Default Cost Code for the selected Resource if it matches a Cost Code for the project.
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