Use Meeting Minutes records to record the discussion, assignment, and completion of meeting items for your projects. Meeting Minutes are treated as a series of records, defined by the combination of Project and Type, and numbered accordingly.
Create Next Button - This button is only visible if the record has a Status of "Approved" and is the highest Meeting # in the sequence. When you click this button a new record is created with much of the header data from the current record copied into the new one. The Meeting # is incremented by one. In addition, lines in the Details Table that are not marked Done are copied to the new record.
Participants Section - Use this section to track meeting participants and whether or not they attended. Add participants by clicking either the Add or Add Multiple buttons.
Item # Field - Read only. This number, assigned by PMWeb, is composed of two segments. The first segment is the Meeting # in the header of the record. The second segment is the Seq # from the line.