

PMWeb Scoring is used to derive a weighted score for a record based on criteria you define. Scores can be based on an unlimited number of questions and each answer can be in a specific data format. Scoring questions defined here can be dragged and dropped into the Scoring Tab in records.

Scoring Header Toolbar

1. Scoring Header Toolbar

ID* Field

2. ID* Field
Required. An alphanumeric ID for the record.

Group Description Field

3. Group Description Field

Record Type(s) Field

4. Record Type(s) Field
Select the PMWeb record type(s) with which the scoring group is associated. The default is "*All*".

Program Field

5. Program Field

Project(s)/Location(s) Field

6. Project(s)/Location(s) Field
Select the project(s) and location(s) with which the scoring group is associated.

Include Notes Checkbox

7. Include Notes Checkbox
If this box is checked, when you add the scoring group to a record (see Clauses Tab) the notes for this scoring group are automatically added to the record as well.

Include Attachments Checkbox

8. Include Attachments Checkbox
If this box is checked, when you add the scoring group to a record (see Clauses Tab) the attachments for this scoring group are automatically added to the record as well.

Scoring Details Tab Toolbar

9. Scoring Details Tab Toolbar

Scoring Details Tab Table

10. Scoring Details Tab Table
Use this table to add an unlimited number of questions to the scoring group. Fields include:
  • Line # - Read only. The order that the question appears in the question group. This field can be indirectly edited by dragging and dropping up or down in the table.
  • Group - Defined in Portfolio/Lists/Lists/Standard Lists/"Group (Scoring)"
  • Question ID - An alphanumeric ID for the question
  • Abbreviation - An abbreviation for the question
  • Type - A system list. See the table below for a list of choices.
  • Question -
  • Options -  Depends on the selection in the Type field. See the table below for a list of choices.
  • Answer - Fill this field to record a default answer or leave it empty for the answerer to fill in
  • Score - Fill this field to record a default score or leave it empty to be filled after evaluating the answer
  • Points Available - Enter the maximum number of points that can be earned by an answer
  • Weight - Enter a weight for the question in relation to all of the other questions
  • Weighted Score - This number is calculated by PMWeb based on the score and the weight
  • Inactive - Check this box to note that the question is inactive. Inactive questions will not be added when the scoring group is dragged and dropped into records
Type Field
Options Field
The user will be allowed to enter text in the Answer field
If you select "List", also select a specific system or user defined list. The answerer will be able to select one or multiple items from the list you specify.
Single Select, Multi-Select
Radio Buttons
An unlimited number of radio buttons can be defined for each question but the answerer will be allowed to select only one.
Click the builder button in the Options field to open the Define Radio Button Labels Dialog:
Each line in the table will appear as a radio button to the answerer.
The answerer will be required to upload a number of attachments (when the line is in read, not edit, mode). When using the "Attachment" data type it is sometimes helpful to include instructions in the Question field.
The answerer will be allowed/required to upload exactly the number of attachments defined here.
If you select "Clause", also select a specific clause group.
The answerer will be allowed to enter a number with two decimal places
The answerer will be allowed to enter a whole number
The answerer will be allowed to enter a number with two decimal places and to select from the UOM Field
The answerer will be allowed to enter a number and select from the Currency Table Field
The answerer will be allowed to enter a date (Date Field) and/or a time (Time Field).
Click the builder button in the Options field to open the Date/Time Options Dialog:
Select one or both options by checking the boxes
Check Box
The answerer will be allowed to place checkmarks in one or more boxes
Click the builder button in the Options field to open the Define Check Box Labels Dialog:
Each line in the table will appear as a check box to the answerer.

Notes Tab

11. Notes Tab

Attachments Tab

12. Attachments Tab

Notifications Tab

13. Notifications Tab