
Role Manager

Use this page to view, define, and assign Visual Workflows at all levels: System, Program, and Project. Note that the actions performed here can also be performed on the Roles Tab of Workflow Setup but there you can only work at one level at a time.
Role Manager

Users Section

1. Users Section
Drag users from this tree and drop them on a role to assign them. Use the Filter... field to limit the users shown. The By User tab shows users individually while the By Permissions tab groups them by User Group and shows the security level assigned to them.

Select Level Bar

2. Select Level Bar
Select a level to change the view of the roles table. Choices are:
  • *All* - If this is selected, all levels and all roles are displayed -- system, programs, projects, location programs, and locations.
  • System - If this is selected only system level roles are displayed
  • [a program] - If this is selected system level roles and roles defined for that program are displayed
  • [a project] - If this is selected system level roles, roles for the project's program, and roles defined for that project are displayed
  • [a location program] - If this is selected system level roles and roles defined for that location program are displayed
  • [a location] - If this is selected system level roles, roles for the location's program, and roles defined for that location are displayed
In the screenshot below the selected level is the Boston Medical Center project, which is in the Commercial program. Three system level roles (CFO, Prog. Mgr, and Proj. Mgr), one program level role (Commercial VP), and one project level role (City of Boston) are displayed.

Delete Selected Role Button

3. Delete Selected Role Button
Click on a role in the table to select it and then click this button to delete it. Roles that are used in one or more BPM cannot be deleted.

Expand/Collapse Button

4. Expand/Collapse Button
Click this button to expand or collapse the table on a level.

Add Role Button

5. Add Role Button
Click this button to add a new role at that level.

Edit Role Button

6. Edit Role Button
Click this button to open the role in edit mode:
When you have finished editing the role click the button to save or click the button to cancel your edits.

Delete Role Button

7. Delete Role Button
Click this button to delete the role. If there is no button the role cannot be deleted at that level. This button:
indicates that the role cannot be deleted because it is used in one or more business processes.

Level Icon Field

8. Level Icon Field
The icon in this column indicates the level at which the role was defined. Icons include:
- system level
- program level
- project level
- location program level
- location level

Roles Field

9. Roles Field
The description of the role

User Field

10. User Field
The user assigned to the role

Locked Checkbox

11. Locked Checkbox
If this box is checked a user can only be assigned to it at the level at which the role was defined.