
Delegate Step Dialog

Use this dialog to delegate PMWeb Visual Workflow steps to one or more users. Delegating means authorizing others to take Workflow actions on your behalf without giving up the right to take them yourself. This dialog is opened by selecting the "Delegate" action on a Workflow tab.
Delegate Step Dialog

Save Button

1. Save Button

Cancel Button

2. Cancel Button

Step Field

3. Step Field
Read only. The current Visual Workflow step.

Approver Field

4. Approver Field
Read only. The user taking the Delegate action.

Current Delegate Field

5. Current Delegate Field
Read only. Users already saved as delegates for the step.

Delegate To Field

6. Delegate To Field
Select one or more users from the dropdown list to act as delegates.

Delegate All of My Steps Checkbox

7. Delegate All of My Steps Checkbox
If checked, the users selected in the Delegate To field will be authorized to act as delegates, not only for the current step, but also:
  • Any subsequent steps in the Workflow in which the Approver is involved
  • Any previous steps in the Workflow in which the Approver is involved if the Workflow returns to those steps

Alert Delegate Checkbox

8. Alert Delegate Checkbox
If checked, new delegates will be sent a PMWeb email message alerting them. Email templates for this are configured in Workflow/Setup/Email Templates.

Message Field

9. Message Field
Enter a message that can be inserted in the email message.