
Worksheet Column Table

The table below shows the standard worksheet columns selected when records are posted to the cost ledger.
Record Type
Worksheet Column
A/P Payments (Asset Management)
Payments A/P (Tenant)
A/P Payment Batches (Asset Management)
Payments A/P (Tenant)
A/R Payments (Asset Management)
Payments A/R (Tenant)
A/R Payment Batches (Asset Management)
Payments A/R (Tenant)
A/P Payments (Costs)
Payments A/R
A/P Payment Batches (Costs)
Payments A/R
A/R Payments (Costs)
Payments A/P
A/R Payment Batches (Costs)
Payments A/P
Budgets - Transaction "A"
Original Owner Budget
Each Budget Record line is two lines in the Cost Ledger (Transaction "A" & "B")
Budgets - Transaction "B"
Original Project Budget
Each Budget Record line is two lines in the Cost Ledger (Transaction "A" & "B")
Budget Requests - Transaction "A"
Depends on selection
If Post as in Budget Request header is “Original Budget” the Worksheet column is "Original Owner Budget". If not it is "Owner Budget Changes"
Budget Requests - Transaction "B"
Depends on selection
If Post as in Budget Request header is “Original Budget” the Worksheet column is "Original Project Budget". If not it is "Project Budget Changes"
Change Events - Transaction "A"
Owner Budget Changes
From the budget lines of Change Events.
Change Events - Transaction "B"
Project Budget Changes
From the budget lines of Change Events.
Change Events - Commitment Lines
Commitment Changes
From the Commitment lines of Change Events.
Original Commitments
Commitment COs
Commitment Changes
Prime Contracts
Original Income
Contract COs
Income Changes
Estimated Cost - Approved
Unlike other records, Forecasts only post when the Post button is clicked.
Journal Entries
The worksheet column can be selected on each line of a journal entry
Miscellaneous Invoices - Transaction "A"
Actual Costs - Non-commitment
Miscellaneous Invoices - Transaction "B"
Non-commitment Costs
Transaction "B" is only posted if Post to Non-commitment Costs is checked at the top of the Miscellaneous Invoice.
If the record is linked to a commitment the worksheet column is Actual Costs - Commitment. If not it is Actual Costs - Non-commitment.
Progress Invoices
Actual Costs - Commitment
Actual Income
Tenant Invoices
Tenant Revenue
Timesheets - Transaction "A"
Actual Costs - Non-commitment
Timesheets - Transaction "B"
Non-commitment Costs
Transaction "B" is only posted if Post to Non-commitment Costs is checked at the top of the Timesheet
Work Orders
Tenant Cost