
Attachments Tab

Use this tab to attach virtually any electronic file to the record. This tab works very similarly to Document Manager. Files can be uploaded directly by dragging and dropping anywhere in the explorer section, linked to files in Document Manager, and much more.
Attachments Tab


Add Button - Click to open the Add context menu. The options that appear will vary, depending on your installation, but can include:
  • From Your Computer - Click to open your device's browse window
  • From Document Manager - Click to open the Document Manager Dialog (In previous PMWeb versions, this was known as the Files Lookup Dialog)
  • Link PMWeb Record - Click to open the Link Records Dialog
  • Link Project Email - Click to open the Link Email Dialog
  • Link Web URL - Click to open the Link Web URL Dialog. Type or paste a URL in the field and click the Save & Exit button.
  • SharePoint - Click to open the SharePoint URL dialog. Type or paste a SharePoint URL in the field and then click the Save & Exit button.
See Document Manager for information about the other buttons in this toolbar.


This section displays all of the files and folders attached to the record. It can be shown in Card or List View. Files can be dragged from your device and dropped in this section to attach them to the record. See Document Manager for more information about the features available in the Explorer.
PMWeb Viewer Field - If the attachment is linked to a PMWeb Viewer record, an icon appears in this column. Click the icon to navigate to the PMWeb Viewer record.
Linked Line Field - This dropdown list displays the line # and description of each line in the details tab. If the attachment was created by clicking the link in the Attachments Field of the details tab this field is pre-filled but it may be edited.
Image Thumbnail - If the attachment is an image type that can be previewed by PMWeb, a thumbnail appears here.
Bluebeam Field - If the attachment is linked to a Bluebeam session, an icon appears here. Click the icon to navigate to the Bluebeam Markups record.
ID Field - Read only. A system created field.
Description Field - Required. Defaults to the name of the uploaded or linked file, but may be edited.
   If the line has been saved previously the file appears as a hyperlink in this field. Click the hyperlink to navigate to or download the file.
  • Revision/Version Field - Read only. If the attachment is a link to a PMWeb record the revision appears here. If the link is to a PMWeb Document Manager record the version appears here.
  • Size Field - Read only. The size of the electronic file in kilobytes.
  • Type Field - Read only. The radio button used to add the file.
  • Display Field - Place a check in this box to display a thumbnail of the file in the Image Gallery section in the header of the record. See Image Gallery for information about which file formats can be displayed as thumbnails.
  • Date Field - Read only.. The date the attachment was first saved.
  • Attached By Field - The user who first saved the attachment.


This pane displays metadata about the selected attachment. The pane can be toggled to show or hide using the Details button in the tab toolbar. This pane works very much like the Details Pane in Document Manager, but with an additional feature only available here: the ability edit some the attachment's attributes. To do that, click the Edit action button. This opens the editable attribute fields. Add your data and click the Save action button or click the Cancel action button to abandon your edits.


Click this button to open a context menu. The menu options vary, depending on what attachments are selected, but may include:
  • View - Click to open the thumbnail viewer
  • Download - Click to download the attachment to your device
  • Add to PMWeb Viewer - Click to create a PMWeb Viewer record based on the attachment
  • Add - Click to open a menu flyout with the options described in the Tab Toolbar section, above
  • Delete - Click to delete all selected attachments